Sacramento Faust Branch

a branch of the
Anthroposophical Society in America


Jun 26 2024


7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

A Special Story Found by the Brothers Grimm, And told by Margit Ilgen with music from Skip Moriarty.

June 26
7 pm at 10030 Fair Oaks Blvd
A Special Story

Found by the Brothers Grimm,
And told by Margit Ilgen and Friends with music from Skip Moriarty.
Also an Introduction
to St John’s Calendar of the Soul Verse

by Harald Hoven

This is a story full of exciting adventures, breath-taking confrontations, beautiful encounters, and still moments, during which, one could say, “Baptism” takes place, leading to profound transformation and healing.
A story that can become a helpful companion on our journey of life.
No Charge. Donations are always welcome

The event is finished.