Sacramento Faust Branch

a branch of the
Anthroposophical Society in America


Oct 19 2022


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm



Brian Gray – Lecture: “The First Goetheanum” Zoom Presentation 7:00 pm

Brian Gray – Lecture: “The First Goetheanum”

Zoom Presentation 7:00 pm

We appreciate your support of the ongoing work of The Faust Branch in making these offerings available. Admission for lectures: Faust Branch members $5, non-members $10, Supporting Faust Branch members and Donors no fee. Special circumstances are considered. No one excluded for lack of funds. Admission fees may be made via PayPal on our website or by check to Sacramento Faust Branch and mailed to Treasurer Carol Nordaas, 7620 Woodglen Drive, Fair Oaks, CA 95628.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 858 0546 1104
Passcode: 707450
One tap mobile
+16694449171,,85805461104#,,,,*707450# US
+16699006833,,85805461104#,,,,*707450# US (San Jose)

Brian Gray, M. L. Arch Anthroposophical teacher and lecturer.  He is a Founding Member of Wise Cosmos Educational Initiative.  Brian is a musician and researcher in star wisdom, biography, cosmology, Waldorf Education, sacred architecture, and esoteric Christianity.  Brian was a core faculty member at Rudolf Steiner College for 38 years, where he also directed the Foundation Studies Program


The event is finished.