Sacramento Faust Branch

a branch of the
Anthroposophical Society in America


Apr 20 2022


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm



Sanford Miller – Lecture: Finding Golgotha via Zoom 7:00 PM

Sanford Miller – Lecture: Finding Golgotha 

via Zoom 7:00 PM

             Admission for lectures: Faust Branch members $5, non-members $10, Supporting Faust Branch members and Donors no fee. Special circumstances are considered. Admission fees may be paid in advance of the meeting via PayPal at and clicking “donation” or by check to Sacramento Faust Branch and mailed to Treasurer Carol Nordaas, 7620 Woodglen Drive, Fair Oaks, CA 95628.   

Rev. Sanford Miller is a Priest, The Christian Community of Sacramento. 

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