Wednesday Feb 1 – Mary Stewart Adams – Cycle of the Year – Zoom Only
Wednesday Feb 1 – Mary Stewart Adams – Cycle of the Year – Zoom Only
We appreciate your support of the ongoing work of The Faust Branch in making these offerings available. Admission for lectures: Faust Branch members $5, non-members $10, Supporting Faust Branch members and Donors no fee. Special circumstances are considered. No one excluded for lack of funds. Admission fees may be made via PayPal on the donation button below or by check to Sacramento Faust Branch and mailed to Treasurer Carol Nordaas, 7620 Woodglen Drive, Fair Oaks, CA 95628.
Please indicate what the payment is for. Thank you!
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Mary Stewart Adams is a Star Lore Historian and the host of the weekly public radio podcast The Storyteller’s Night Sky. In 2011 she established one of the world’s first International Dark Sky Parks, and in 2021 published the book The Star Tales of Mother Goose. Mary met the work of Rudolf Steiner simultaneous to encountering ancient star wisdom in the 1980s, which was galvanized into a life path through encounter with astrosopher Hazel Straker in 1995. Mary serves on the General Council of the Anthroposophical Society in America and as a board member of the Great Lakes Branch.